Limestone is the key ingredient in Heirloom’s direct-air-capture process.
Spencer Lowell

In the fight against climate change, scientists and policymakers explore strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One promising approach is direct air capture (DAC), a technology that removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This article delves into the history, current developments, and future potential of DAC in slowing global warming.

Origins of Direct Air Capture

The concept of extracting CO2 from air dates back to the late 1990s. Physicist Klaus Lackner proposed the idea as an alternative to nuclear fusion for reducing greenhouse gases. His daughter’s sixth-grade science experiment demonstrated the feasibility of capturing CO2 using sodium carbonate. This paved the way for further research and development in the field.

Current State of Direct Air Capture

Despite initial setbacks, including the 2008 financial crisis, DAC technology has gained momentum in recent years. Start-ups like Climeworks in Switzerland and Carbon Engineering in Canada have opened small-scale facilities. The U.S. government has invested billions of dollars in the technology. The Biden administration aims to draw down and store more than a billion tons of CO2 annually by 2050. Plans are in place to build several regional DAC hubs.

Key Players in the Industry

  1. Heirloom Carbon: A Silicon Valley start-up using pulverized lime to absorb CO2 from the air.
  2. Climeworks: A Swiss company operating the world’s only other CO2-sequestering commercial DAC facility in Iceland.
  3. Occidental Petroleum (Oxy): The biggest private investor in DAC, using the technology to produce “net-zero oil.”

Challenges and Controversies

While DAC offers a promising solution for removing CO2, it also faces several challenges and controversies:

Robots deliver trays that have soaked up CO2 to a kiln that bakes out and collects the gas.
Spencer Lowell
  1. High costs: Currently, removing a metric ton of CO2 via DAC costs around $1,000. This is significantly more expensive than alternative methods like tree planting.
  2. Energy requirements: Running DAC plants requires substantial amounts of electricity. This potentially competes with the need to replace fossil fuel power plants with renewable energy.
  3. Environmental justice concerns: Some communities, particularly those burdened by industrial pollution, worry DAC hubs may perpetuate environmental racism. They fear it will attract more fossil fuel and petrochemical plants to their areas.
  4. Moral hazard: Critics argue that relying on DAC as a future solution may delay urgent emissions reduction actions. They believe it could slow the transition away from fossil fuels in the present.

Future Potential

Despite these challenges, proponents believe DAC could play a crucial role in achieving net-zero emissions. It may even help reverse some effects of climate change. If global emissions are drastically reduced and thousands of DAC plants are built, significant CO2 removal is possible. This could limit global temperature rise to less harmful levels.


As the world grapples with the urgent need to address climate change, DAC emerges as a powerful tool. While the technology faces significant challenges and controversies, investing in its development now is important. It could provide future generations with a valuable means of removing the cumulative emissions threatening our planet.

Read more: Biochar: Sustainable Farming for Carbon Capture and Soil Health
