1. Exciting Trends in CCUS Innovation
Exciting Trends in CCUS Innovation
Global innovation in carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) is thriving, as evidenced by recent patent data analysed by the esteemed intellectual property law firm Appleyard Lees. The surge in patent applications signifies a promising trajectory for the industry.
Government Policies Spurring CCUS Growth
2. Government Policies Spurring CCUS Growth
Key government policies worldwide are fueling the momentum behind CCUS innovation. Initiatives like the US Inflation Reduction Act and the EU’s Net Zero Industry Act, coupled with substantial budget allocations like the UK’s £20 billion for CCUS projects, are catalysts for industry advancement.
Noteworthy CCUS Technological Advancements
3. Noteworthy CCUS Technological Advancements
Innovations in CCUS technologies are diverse and impactful. From modular carbon capture systems to roadside CO2 recovery devices, the industry is witnessing groundbreaking developments. Major companies like Toyota and Volkswagen are actively contributing to this innovation wave.
Emerging Trends and Industry Focus
4. Emerging Trends and Industry Focus
Emerging trends in CCUS innovation are shaping the industry landscape. Innovations targeting polluted air and challenging-to-decarbonize sectors like cement are gaining traction. Climeworks’ pioneering solid carbon capture solutions exemplify the sector’s innovative spirit.